The goal of mpathr
is to provide with a few utility functions to read and perform some common operations in data from Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) studies collected through the m-Path platform (https://m-path.io/landing/). The package provides functions to read data from m-Path, and to calculate response rate in data from Experience Sampling studies.
An overview of how to use this package (as well as a video and a detailed guide) can be found in the m-Path manual.
This is a basic example which shows you how to read data gathered from m-Path into R using the mpathr
package. For this, we use the example data included in the package:
# loads package
# find paths to example basic and meta data:
basic_path <- mpath_example(file ='example_basic.csv')
meta_path <- mpath_example(file = 'example_meta.csv')
# read the data
data <- read_mpath(
file = basic_path,
meta_data = meta_path
#> # A tibble: 2,221 × 100
#> connectionId legacyCode code alias initials accountCode scheduledBeepId
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 234609 !9v48@jp7a7 !byyo kjyt abc Ver jp7a7 -1
#> 2 234609 !9v48@jp7a7 !byyo kjyt abc Ver jp7a7 28626776
#> 3 234609 !9v48@jp7a7 !byyo kjyt abc Ver jp7a7 28626777
#> 4 234609 !9v48@jp7a7 !byyo kjyt abc Ver jp7a7 28626781
#> 5 234609 !9v48@jp7a7 !byyo kjyt abc Ver jp7a7 28626782
#> # ℹ 2,216 more rows
#> # ℹ 93 more variables: sentBeepId <int>, reminderForOriginalSentBeepId <int>,
#> # questionListName <chr>, questionListLabel <chr>, fromProtocolName <chr>,
#> # timeStampScheduled <int>, timeStampSent <int>, timeStampStart <int>,
#> # timeStampStop <int>, originalTimeStampSent <int>, timeZoneOffset <int>,
#> # deltaUTC <dbl>, consent_yesno_yesno <int>,
#> # gender_multipleChoice_index <int>, gender_multipleChoice_string <chr>, …
Getting help
If you encounter a clear bug or need help getting a function to run, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on Github.
Code of Conduct
Please note that the mpathr project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms.