Contains the preprocessed example data for an m-path research study.
In the study, 20 participants completed 11 beeps over the course of 10 days. The study consisted of:
An intake questionnaire, that participants answered at the study's start.
A main questionnaire (10 times per day), where participants answered questions about their emotions and context at the time.
An evening questionnaire (once, at the end of the day), about their emotions and activities throughout the day.
Each row corresponds to one beep sent during the study.
A data frame with 1980 rows and 47 columns:
- participant
Participant identifier.
- code
Code the participants used to sign up for the study.
- questionnaire
The questionnaire that participants answered in that beep (it can be the main or the evening questionnaire).
- scheduled
Time stamp for when the notification was scheduled for, in unix time.
- sent
Time stamp for when the notification was sent, in unix time.
- start
Time stamp for when the notification was answered, in unix time. If the notification was never answered, this value is an NA.
- stop
Time stamp for when the notification was completed, in unix time. If the notification was never answered, this value is an NA.
- phone_server_offset
The difference between the phone time and the server time.
- obs_n
Observation number for each participant. Goes from 1 (first observation), to 110 (last observation of the study).
- day_n
Day number of the study, for the participant. Goes from 1 to 10.
- obs_n_day
Observation number within the day (for each participant). Goes from 1 to 11.
- answered
Logical, whether the beep was answered or not.
- bpm_day
Average heart rate per day. Note that unlike the rest of the variables, this corresponds to simulated data.
- gender
Participant's gender. 1 means 'Male', 2 means 'Female', 3 'Other'.
- gender_string
Participant's gender, as a string.
- age
Participant's age in years.
- life_satisfaction
Composite variable corresponding to participant's life satisfaction according to the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS).
- neuroticism
Composite variable corresponding to participant's neuroticism according to the Big Five Inventory (BFI).
- slider_happy
Participants' self-reported happiness at the time of the beep. From 0 (not happy at all) to 100 (very happy).
- slider_sad
Participants' self-reported sadness at the time of the beep. From 0 (not sad at all) to 100 (very sad).
- slider_angry
Participants' self-reported anger at the time of the beep. From 0 (not angry at all) to 100 (very angry).
- slider_relaxed
Participants' self-reported relaxation at the time of the beep. From 0 (not relaxed at all) to 100 (very relaxed).
- slider_anxious
Participants' self-reported anxiety at the time of the beep. From 0 (not anxious at all) to 100 (very anxious).
- slider_energetic
Participants' self-reported energy at the time of the beep. From 0 (not energetic at all) to 100 (very energetic).
- slider_tired
Participants' self-reported tiredness at the time of the beep. From 0 (not tired at all) to 100 (very tired).
- location_index
Index corresponding to the participant's answer to the question "Where are you now?", from a list of multiple options.
- location_string
Text corresponding to the participant's selected location at the time of the beep.
- company_index
Index corresponding to the participant's answer to the question "With whom are you right now?", from a list of multiple options.
- company_string
Text corresponding to the participant's selected company at the time of the beep.
- activity_index
Index corresponding to the participant's answer to the question "What are you doing now?", from a list of multiple options.
- activity_string
Text corresponding to the participant's selected activity at the time of the beep.
- step_count
Step count between the previous answered beep and the current beep
- evening_slider_happy
Participants' happiness during the day, from 0 (not happy at all) to 100 (very happy).
- evening_slider_sad
Participants' sadness during the day, from 0 (not sad at all) to 100 (very sad).
- evening_slider_angry
Participants' anger during the day, from 0 (not angry at all) to 100 (very angry).
- evening_slider_relaxed
Participants' relaxation during the day, from 0 (not relaxed at all) to 100 (very relaxed).
- evening_slider_anxious
Participants' anxiety during the day, from 0 (not anxious at all) to 100 (very anxious).
- evening_slider_energetic
Participants' energy during the day, from 0 (not energetic at all) to 100 (very energetic).
- evening_slider_tired
Participants' tiredness during the day, from 0 (not tired at all) to 100 (very tired).
- evening_stressful
Participant's answer to whether something stressful had happened during the day. 1 means 'yes', 0 means 'no'.
- evening_positive
Participant's answer to whether something positive had happened during the day. 1 means 'yes', 0 means 'no'.
- positive_description
Explanation of the positive event (if participants responded 'yes' to the previous question).
- stressful_description
Explanation of the stressful event (if participants responded 'yes' to the previous question).
- evening_activity_index
Index corresponding to the participant's answer(s) to the question "What activities did you do today?", from a list of multiple options.
- evening_activity_string
Text corresponding to the participant's selected activities during the day.
- delay_start_min
Delay in minutes between the scheduled beep and the time the participants started the beep.
- delay_end_min
Time in minutes the participants took to fill in the beep (difference between the columns start and stop).